ALB Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald

by Abfall+



missed refuse collection again? Where can I dispose of what?With the new, free waste App of the district Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald can give you the will no longer happen. The app remembers reliably to all discharge dates of residual waste, organic and paper waste bin and the Yellow bag. The dates of Schadstoffmobils are just using it as a comprehensive waste-ABC and all opening times.Simply the City Select, Set reminder desire and youve got "garbage collection always in view."The waste App is a service of waste management Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald (ALB).features-----------------Individual settings for reminding rebuffs (day, time)For any number of locations (perfect for caretaker and property managers)Filter by waste container (eg. B. can only remember the removal of organic waste)Notification of the message center (Notification Center)Shift the garbage disposal due to holidays and as well as the weekly summer flushes the compost bin are consideredMany additional information on waste management in Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald.-----------------Locations: information about recycling centers, green waste collection, landfill (location, opening times, what is believed ?, directions)Waste-ABC: A real help in disposal issuesService: Contact at ALB, waste charges, garbage bag outlets, waste management statutesNews: Latest news from the waste sector-----------------Download, install and start 1. Waste App2. Register (register once and use on any number of mobile devices)3. Select the municipality and the district4. Set the waste filter5. Finish